Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Hypothyroidism symptoms - Hairfall

As we all know hypothyroidism exhibits its presence in a lot many ways. It reduces what needs to grow and grows what needs to be reduced. So for the ease of people let’s take one of it. For this time let me choose one of the things that we all need to grow and hypothyroidism puts a halt to it. I am taking about your tresses here. Hair fall is  very closely associated with hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism not only affects the density of your hair but also its quality. So from adjectives like thick, dense, long and smooth you moves to thin, scanty, dry and rough. But where there is a will there is a way. Let’s first identify the main reason behind the mask called Hypothyroidism, that actually cause you hair loss:
·         Low levels of Ferritin
·         Low levels of vit. B12 and D
·         Low Calcium levels
·         Side-effects of Thyroid medication
·         Sex Hormone levels

These are the most prevalent causes of hair loss in patients with Hypothyroidism. Firstly if you are losing out a lot of hair and were recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism , I would say just rejoice! At least you know the  cause and can go ahead and work on the solution. So basically what happens when you have hypothyroidism is that your thyroid hormone levels are too low and that affects your body in many a physiological ways. So basically you start  to experience low levels of various macro and micro nutrients and so the body as a turnaround event diverts the available reserves of those now depleting nutrients like ferritin, Vitamins and minerals like B12, D3, magnesium, iodine and zinc from hair follicles to heart and other vital organs including muscles. For the body a heart functioning well, muscle tone to maintain overall wellbeing is of much more importance that having long lush tresses or lovely nails adorning your slender fingers.

So to begin with it is not always necessary that all of the above cause are contributing to your particular case of hair loss. For treatment firstly we need to find the exact cause. So the first important step would be to start investigating in the right direction. So the few basic investigations that you will need to have would be the following:
·         Serum Ferritin
·         Vit. B12
·         Vit. D3
·         Sex hormones like Estrogen, Progesterone and also Testosterone.
·         And obviously TSH, T3, T4 and antibody test.

Once we have the results we can add the required supplements and have some HRT(Hormone replacement therapy) to balance out the deficiencies. The results however will take time, as the hair has it’s know cycle. Also if the hair fall is found to be thyroid medication induced we will probably have to look at alternative medicines. Mostly it is seen that levothyroxine has these effects, so check it for yourself and accordingly get your meds altered by your medical practitioner.

So for now be a little more observant and you will definitely see results!

PS: People please share with someone who you think might benefit from this.


  1. Replies
    1. I hope to follw-up this post with a part two, let me know if you want me to target something more specific related to hairfall and hypothyroidism.

  2. This is really informative :)... Thanks.

    1. thanks for taking out the time to read..do share further to help others with this information.
